Thursday, October 4, 2007

Time Flew!

Wow! I started this blog believing I'd be posting all of the time. After figuring out how to set it all up, time flew! Today is my Thursday "OFF" from Chemo. I am working this afternoon so don't have much time, but realized I'd not posted a note for quite a while.

My sister came to visit last weekend. She's 18 months older than me and thus my "big sis". I'd not seen her for 2-3yrs as she lives in Minnesota and I'm down here in Tucson. It was GREAT having her here! Thanks JB!

I am so used to living by myself that having someone "around" was a bit weird to get used to, but we really had a good time. I seem to be having relatively mild reactions to the chemo so far. Basically my stomach burns when it's either empty, or about 2-3 hrs after I've eaten.

I've been trying to figure out what to eat that may minimize this, and so far am sticking to blander food. I KNOW that anything with tomato sauce, for example, will kill my tummy almost immediately!

My stomach problems put a bit of a crip on our activities, and limited what I could order in a restaurant, but we had fun anyway. The picture of us at lunch is in CARUSO's outdoor garden. The other picture is of Janel on our drive up the mountain near my house. She REALLY helped me re-do and organise my kitchen, for example. Not "fun" but very very appreciated as I've not had the energy to do it and thus haven't been cooking or using it much. Hopefully now that it's layed out better, cleaned up, re-organized and all, it will be easier.

On the really fun side, we went to Sunstone, which is a place here in Tucson that has retreats, workshops, alternative therapies and all sorts of stuff in support of people with cancer. I went to a one day laughter workshop the weekend before last and checked out their campus. Beautiful! With a pool! You can use the pool! IF you are with someone else. Well, most times I don't have anyone else "with" me, so I've not been able to take advantage, but last Saturday, with Janel my sister here, we had the whole thing to ourselves for a couple of hours. GREAT FUN and lovely in the 95degree heat! I am NOT posting the picture Janel took of me in a swimsuit! :-)

We hung out a lot too, had a couple of good talks, and went out to eat a couple of times. All in all it was wonderful to have such a huge supporter right there with me.
Janel has been the best! She's helping with government paperwork baloney - like Social Security, helped me with my kitchen, as I mentioned, been there to talk to me almost daily if I want (and I've wanted!) and just has let me know in a million ways that she loves me and wants me well. I tear up just thinking about her.

Anyway, we're of the type to not "wear our feelings on our sleeves" so it's a little hard to show how I feel to anyone. More about that another time. I'll also have to share the story of the "angel" I met at the Laughter workshop! Come back and visit soon. I'll be posting more now that I've got this running smoothly.

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