Monday, October 22, 2007

The ocean in Milwaukee

Here I am in sunny Milwaukee Wisconsin. I've been visiting my bff Kristin for a couple of days, and in FACT we had the most PERFECT day yesterday. The temperature got to alomost 80 degrees! It was warm, sunny and beautiful with lots of green and an acceptable amount of Fall reds, yellows and oranges.

Kristin knows I love and miss the ocean. So she designed a "day at the ocean" for me in Milwaukee. We went to the shores of Lake Michagan near downtown where they have a very lovely park. They also have a breakwater that extends out into the lake quite a bit!

We walked to the end of that breakwater and sat on these huge boulders and let the lake spray our legs and faces. The water was wavy enough for some surfers near the shore (believe it or not!) and did its best to give us the illusion of the ocean. After all, you can't see to the other side!

The day was so perfect, so warm and sunny, it was always in our thoughts and on our tongues - "What a Perfect Day!!" Incredible.

We spent several hours mid-day doing the lake thing, and then stopped for iced coffee and sandwich/soup at a cute spot just off the lake. Again it was perfect. They have seating outside, and of course everyone in Milwaukee was taking advantage of the RARE high temperature for October 22nd! Alterra is the name of the place. Kristin could NOT stop raving about her soup - I mean it, she couldn't stop! My cheese & tomato sandwhich was also terrific, but I Could stop raving about it. :-) The iced coffees were terrific and we got to sit outside where they have a patio as well as GREEN lawn space to sit and eat your treats.

That's the other thing that has been getting me. From the trainride to Milwaukee to Kristins wood-surrounded apartment, I've been dosed in a plethora of green and trees. I LOVE IT!! It brings back all sorts of childhood memories, feels SOOO "at home" and is a total treat to my desert-deluged eyes.

Kristin has given me a weekened from heaven, an I love her dearly for it.

More later - on my way back to Chicago this afternoon.

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