Cisco is doing better, but a more terrorized cat I've never seen. If there is so much as someone walking by, or a noise outside, he panics and runs to hide for an hour or so. He's eating a bit more. I have to take wet cat food and water it down into a "gruel", but he eats maybe 1/4 cup.
We spent most of the time wrapped up in a quilt on the couch. He wants to stay close to my body so we snuggle on the couch watching TV. Not a good way to get anything done, but it feels like the right thing to do to support Cisco's recovery.
I'm exhausted from dozing on the couch and not really sleeping.
The Animal Control man came to the door again on Saturday, saying he had one more question. "Do I think the dogs are dangerous?". How on earth do I respond to that?
They were certainly dangerous to my cat who was sitting on my stoop. The neigbors chased them away earlier in the day when they threatened Their small dog. I hemmed and hawed and said I really didn't know, that my concern was that the owners were responsible for the damage to my pet. He said he'd be serving the papers today if they were home (they were). I don't know how things proceed from here, but I assume I will hear from the court eventually.
Wednesday I take Cisco to the vet for a check up. I hope they will say he's out of the woods, but I quake with fear every time I see his poor damaged body wobbling around the house.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in the news
5 years ago
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